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Alumni Appeal

 Alumni – Alumni Appeal

“Never forget your roots, especially your education roots.”

Social media is a pivotal tool for alumni engagement, especially young alumni who spend around 3 hours a day on such platforms. Engaging young alumni after graduation is crucial to building lifelong relationships. In order to stay connected with these young alumni after graduation, the two must-haves are: an effective social media strategy and high-quality content. Mahila Arts Commerce College Chandur Railway’s appeal to Alumni Sneh bandh Alumni Association

All alumni are advised to provide online guidance to our students who have entered their college during Covid-19. You can use the following instructions for this. (Establish link between older to younger) for that share your experiences of the positive changes that have taken place in your lives due to their education in our college and share your photos of happy family with family members, giving inspiring information online about the job they are doing, business guidance, sports in life, importance of exercise, importance of physical health during Covid-19. Explaining, life’s stress, tension, guidance on how to adopt a positive thought stream, life education lessons (lessons) should be useful to today’s students.